• Arctic Advanced Education and Research 

      Husebekk, Anne; Ruud, Kenneth; Eikeland, Sveinung; Gotaas, Geir (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2019)
      Skilled candidates, research results that are useful both immediately and in a longer time frame, innovation and business creation, and the strengthening of the public sector are among the most important societal impacts of a university. In short, universities provide a survival kit in a changing world. The University of Tromsø–The Arctic University of Norway (UiT) has been instrumental in developing ...
    • Building a High North Growth Pole: The Northern Norwegian City of Hammerfest in the Wake of Developing the "Snow White" Barents Sea Gas field 

      Eikeland, Sveinung (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2014-04-25)
      Global oil industries are moving from well-established economic centres to remote areas in the north. This paper addresses regional impacts, and links the analyses and discussions to theories embedded in Keynes inspired ideas from the 1950'ies of state opportunities to build growth poles in peripheries by governing entering industries. The article analyses changes in the North-Norwegian city of ...
    • Indigenous agency in global systems 

      Eikeland, Sveinung (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2021-01-20)
      The article addresses expanding of global economic systems by studying Sámi strategies addressing Norwegian High Northern Policies (NHNP) launched by the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs from 2005. NHNP attracted global economy, labour and knowledge to the Arctic region. The Sámi responding are analysed by using agency theories in economic geography, and contributes to expand the content of ...
    • Med OECD til Nord-Norge 

      Eikeland, Sveinung (Chronicle; Kronikk, 2015-10-15)
      Organisasjon for økonomisk samarbeid og utvikling (OECD) var nyleg ei veke i Nord-Noreg som ein del av ei vurdering det gjer av muligheter for utvikling i tynt busette område i nord. Vurderinga inkluderer 14 regionar, der Nordland, Troms og Finnmark inngår. OECD skal gje råd om korleis regionane i nord i Europa kan komma godt ut i den globale økonomiske konkurransen sjølv om dei er ...
    • Samepolitikkens plass i utviklingsprosesser i nord 

      Angell, Elisabeth; Eikeland, Sveinung; Selle, Per (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2021-04-21)
      I løpet av de siste 30 årene har framveksten av Sametinget og andre samiske institusjoner løftet samepolitikken inn i en internasjonal urfolksdiskurs, hvor samiske rettigheter er styrket gjennom norsk støtte til internasjonale konvensjoner. De tydeligste avtrykkene av samepolitikken finnes i Finnmark, der samer utgjør en betydelig andel av befolkningen og Sametinget er lokalisert. Temaet for denne ...
    • Sámi agency in economic development processes in the Norwegian High North 

      Angell, Elisabeth; Eikeland, Sveinung; Selle, Per (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-08-14)
      The emergence of the Sámi Parliament has lifted Norwegian Sámi politics into an international discourse on indigenous peoples. The clearest imprints of the new Sámi political space are found in the High North region of Norway, where the Sámi account for a significant proportion of the population. The article shows to what extent and how Sámi agency affects governance structures and business development ...